How to charge what you’re worth?

Podcast EP02 Show Notes: Have you ever wondered how to set your prices? How do you raise your prices to increase your profits without putting your customers off? This episode will explain to you how you should be setting your pricing and how to ensure your customers will be happy. A lot of people drop […]

Podcast EP02

Show Notes:

    Have you ever wondered how to set your prices? How do you raise your prices to increase your profits without putting your customers off? This episode will explain to you how you should be setting your pricing and how to ensure your customers will be happy.

    A lot of people drop their prices because they feel their customers won’t be happy to pay. This is a huge mistake. You’ll end up with customers who don’t appreciate your product or service and you’ll struggle to make ends meet.

    This week, I’m talking about how to charge what you are worth. The thing is, no matter what price you set, someone will always be unhappy. Putting your prices down to appease customers won’t keep you comfortable, no matter what you may think.

    I used to think that pricing my services low would get me more customers. Actually, in the end, what happened was that I attracted the wrong people into my world. I learned that getting a ‘yes’ from the right person is more valuable than a ‘yes’ from many wrong people.

Next Step:

Have some thoughts or any topic you would like me to cover in future episodes – drop them in comments. And Don’t forget to share what you found useful!

if you want to make some real progress then book a strategy session with W3bMinds to put these tips into practice. And Last Follow us on Twitter & Facebook for more tips.

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Brochure Website vs. Sales Person Website – What Really Works for You?

Your customers are hurting for more personalized care. Are you going to offer them a band-aid or a cure? You want fulfilled consumers, excellent customer service, dependable employees, and a trustworthy environment. We know that to achieve these things you’ll need to invest in at least one extraordinary sales person that caters to your customer’s […]

Your customers are hurting for more personalized care. Are you going to offer them a band-aid or a cure? You want fulfilled consumers, excellent customer service, dependable employees, and a trustworthy environment.

  • We know that to achieve these things you’ll need to invest in at least one extraordinary sales person that caters to your customer’s every whim! Where can you find such a sales whiz? Build it, and they will come…
  • An offline salesperson can shake your customer’s hand, can bring them coffee, and can demonstrate a product, but only during office hours. In contrast, a website can welcome your clients, demonstrate a product, and provide them with information. Don’t you want more…? Don’t you want the ultimate salesperson?

The Ideal Salesperson is:

  • Empathetic, tireless, adaptable, and dependable.
  • Builds trust and long-lasting relationships with your customers.
  • Never sleeps or calls in sick.
  • Is attractive, knowledgeable, trendy, and welcoming.
  • Will be like a Magic 8 Ball ready with answers at a moment’s notice.
That ultimate salesperson is your website. It caters to your clients and enlarges your profit margins, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Its only goal in life is to help your business grow!

Let’s talk about the differences in Brochure websites vs. Sales Person websites. In other words, $100 websites vs. $10,000 websites.

A Brochure Website – Beauty but no Brains

A brochure website is usually attractive, looks professional, and provides information. If you design it yourself, you may be able to do it for $100. Now let’s talk about what it doesn’t do.
  • It does very little (if any) changing and growing over time.
  • It doesn’t educate your consumers or cultivate relationships with your buyers.
  • It’s the “create it and forget it” approach and is unable to keep up with the current market trends.
  • It does very little to increase your revenue.
  • You have to work around it instead of it working around you.
A brochure website is lazy and does the bare minimum for your business. It fails at generating leads, acquiring customers, and retaining clients. Though it may cost more up front, a salesperson website has the potential to increase your revenue exponentially while catering to your specific desires.

Contact us to get started on the path to designing your ultimate salesperson website today. We have created an e-book with ideas on how to begin. See you soon!

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$10,000?! For a website? Is a website worth that much ?

“$10,000?! For a website?” You’re astonished at first glance. Why pay so much, if anything, for a website? There are so many free or cheap hosting sites that allow you to do it yourself. But, as the old adage goes, “you get what you pay for.” The Internet is a massive entity these days. People […]

“$10,000?! For a website?” You’re astonished at first glance. Why pay so much, if anything, for a website? There are so many free or cheap hosting sites that allow you to do it yourself. But, as the old adage goes, “you get what you pay for.”

  • The Internet is a massive entity these days. People simply don’t care about cheaply made websites when there’s so much great content they could be viewing. Think about the first impression you want to make on potential customers: that you look for the easy, cheap way out (which they’ll assume applies to your products and services as well as your website), or that you care about your business, put time and effort into it, and want it to succeed?

  • Every business decision is an investment. Spending around $10,000 can seem like a lot all at once, but think about the return you’ll make by educating, engaging, and entertaining your customers with your products and services.

Business websites are divided into two categories: brochure websites and sales person websites.

  • Brochure websites attempt to capture potential clients with their “amazing” designs, but lack useful content that actually sells your product or service to a customer. These are the sites you’ll get for $100; they look good, but they stink
  • Sales person websites are just as the name implies, an online sales person. They take all the visually appealing aspects of a brochure website, but throw in so much more. Regularly updated content, convenient information regarding the products and services you offer, and the generation of unbeatable search engine traffic. These are the websites that are a bit more pricey, but the return you’ll receive on your investment is exponential.

Always remember to have a strategy before you dive into a website. Plan out exactly what you want your website to achieve. More traffic? Higher customer retention? Increased conversion rates? A sales person website will help you to acquire all of these things and more. Your content is the most important thing, followed by the design. An “eye-popping” design will do no good if you don’t fill it with equally “eye-popping” content.

Don’t be afraid to spend some extra money on a website that will function better for you in the long run. In today’s digital age, it’s crucial for businesses to have an online persona, and the best way to do so is through a sales person website.

To see how you can achieve incredible web success for your business contact us today!

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