Brochure Website vs. Sales Person Website – What Really Works for You?
Your customers are hurting for more personalized care. Are you going to offer them a band-aid or a cure? You want fulfilled consumers, excellent customer service, dependable employees, and a trustworthy environment.
- We know that to achieve these things you’ll need to invest in at least one extraordinary sales person that caters to your customer’s every whim! Where can you find such a sales whiz? Build it, and they will come…
- An offline salesperson can shake your customer’s hand, can bring them coffee, and can demonstrate a product, but only during office hours. In contrast, a website can welcome your clients, demonstrate a product, and provide them with information. Don’t you want more…? Don’t you want the ultimate salesperson?
The Ideal Salesperson is:
- Empathetic, tireless, adaptable, and dependable.
- Builds trust and long-lasting relationships with your customers.
- Never sleeps or calls in sick.
- Is attractive, knowledgeable, trendy, and welcoming.
- Will be like a Magic 8 Ball ready with answers at a moment’s notice.
Let’s talk about the differences in Brochure websites vs. Sales Person websites. In other words, $100 websites vs. $10,000 websites.
A Brochure Website – Beauty but no Brains
A brochure website is usually attractive, looks professional, and provides information. If you design it yourself, you may be able to do it for $100. Now let’s talk about what it doesn’t do.- It does very little (if any) changing and growing over time.
- It doesn’t educate your consumers or cultivate relationships with your buyers.
- It’s the “create it and forget it” approach and is unable to keep up with the current market trends.
- It does very little to increase your revenue.
- You have to work around it instead of it working around you.
Contact us to get started on the path to designing your ultimate salesperson website today. We have created an e-book with ideas on how to begin. See you soon!
3 Steps to Website Success
You could go crazy trying to keep up with the “new and the now” but you don’t have to. Setting out on the path to success with your website is as easy as understanding the 3 Steps.
Download free e-book for web success
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